Archive for June, 2007

Facing Up To the Legal Issues of Facebook – Part 1

June 28, 2007

Thinking about suggesting some Facebook work to a client?  Make sure you read the latest post from our resident PR and Comms legal expert. 


The world of PR has been invaded with ‘New Media’ and with so many social networking sites springing up in the last couple of years it’s easy to see why it’s not just the geeks who are excited. It was the rapidly expanding Facebook which was the nurturing ground for this very blog.   

However, before PR agencies start promising the ‘new media’ world to clients, caution should be applied to ANY work involving Facebook.

Wait before you write that wall post

 Just over a month ago in late May, the UK’s first libel award against someone who had posted a comment on a social networking site was granted when a retired teacher successfully sued a former student who had posted defamatory comments about him on Friends Reunited. Reacting to this, just last week Keele University sent an open letter to all students warning them against placing defamatory comments about their lecturers on Facebook. This is merely a sign of things to come, and the real winners from social networking could turn out to be the Lawyers! 

Take Care over the Copyright

Everyone ticks the ‘I have permission to reproduce this photograph’ box without a care in the world. However, if you use a picture from Facebook without the owner’s permission, you run the risk of violating the copyright of the photo.  All photos put online are, in theory, owned by the person who took the photograph, and they are granted an automatic copyright over the image for their lifetime, plus up to 25 years after they die.  

A key thing to remember: just because a Facebook user has uploaded a photo does not automatically mean they have given their consent for it to be used away from the site. The only foolproof way to use an image is to directly ask the owner for permission to use it, even though that is exceptionally difficult considering the scattered nature of Facebook users. 

In the wider media, there have been instances where permission has been deemed unnecessary due to a “public interest”, for an image to be published. There has been a plethora of litigation on this point since the advent of the Human Rights Act, in 1998, specifically in relation to celebrities and paparazzi photographs (eg. Douglass and Zeta-Jones vs OK! and Naomi Campbell vs Mirror Group Newspapers), but again in the case of social networking sites, precedent has yet to be set on this issue. At this stage, the definition of what lies within the ‘public interest’ is exceptionally hard to pinpoint. 

Are the really out to get us? 

The internet conspiracy theorists have also been getting over-excited with Facebook’s assertion that it “may…collect information about you from other sources, such as newspapers, blogs, instant messaging services, and other users of the Facebook…in order to provide you with more useful information and a more personalized experience”. The more technically minded of the internet community have been speculating that Facebook has been allowing the CIA/The New World Order/Aliens to use the site for ‘data mining’ (the downloading of the vasts amounts of personal information to third parties without the knowledge of users). However, Facebook have publicly stated that this clause will soon be removed from an updated Privacy Policy, putting these rumors somewhat to bed. However, Facebook has not commented directly on the future of the clause which states “We may share your information with third parties, including responsible companies with which we have a relationship.” Facebook have again publicly denied actively sharing user information, but remains to be seen if this ambiguously worded section will also be modified or removed. 


1.     When writing Wall Posts, never put anything there that you would not put on a postcard

2.     If you want to use a photograph from Facebook, at the very least credit the site, if not the person who originally uploaded the picture, if you cannot contact them directly.

3.     Somewhat obviously, do not reveal deeply personal information on your homepage, it really could come back to haunt you if you do.

So, you want to get ahead?

June 25, 2007

Harold Burson, of Burson-Marsteller recently blogged  his advice, [based on many years and dollars of PR success], with his top tips for young PRs starting out.

I also recently read Ogilvy’s ‘Confessions of an advertising man’. Despite being written several decades ago, about a separate discipline in the marketing mix, there was lots of relevance for PR. One piece that especially stuck with me was his advice for young execs. He recommended you keep your head down for the first year, spending your time mastering the area you were working on, until you would be ready to replace your manager due to superior expertise in your area.

The advice from both of these phenomenally successful individuals clealry overlap on the importance of knowledge. Burson advises reading, and never being short of awareness of a topic, and it is this perception of the deeper issues at stake which allows PRs to offer useful insights into how best to communicate a client or organisation’s messages and reputation.

The greasy pole; episode 7

June 21, 2007


With the most ridiculous photo yet, Tom Pearson from Firefly Communications is next for the high jump. He might not like ‘despicable journalists and clients’ but if he wasn’t in PR, he’d be

doing ‘something’ with food.

  • What made you want to work in PR?

The one question I’ve never been able to give a convincing answer to!  All sorts of things

day to day variety, putting my writing skills to good use, researching exciting markets for new biz, that feeling when you get your client in the FT and so much more

  • Background? [Home, education, exciting activities] –

I was born in Germany and had lived in Spain and Bulgaria by the time I was 13.  I
spent most of my formative years in the West Country at school in Bath
and then studying Classics at Bristol University.

  • Coolest thing you’ve done so far in PR? –

hosting journalists at big sporting events – England at the football World Cup and rugby at Twickenham so far.

  • Least favourite part of job?

Admin, I’m shocking at it!

  • When I’m 40 I’d like to be…?

Taking early retirement

·         Top tip for those who want to get into industry?

There’s no substitute for work experience.  It will give you a feel for the industry and shows potential employers that you’re keen to work in PR. Personally, I did stints at consumer, tech and financial PR agencies, as well as spending time working in-house, before deciding on B2B tech.

  • Best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Own your own time

  • If I wasn’t in PR I’d be….?

Doing something with food, getting shouted at by some Gordon Ramsay-type I’d imagine!

  • What do you find most challenging in PR?

Having to be nice to despicable journalists and clients

  • PR hero?

Matthew Freud

  • Is there an area of PR you never want to work in, if so which?

I wouldn’t discount anything in either agency or in-house but I was crap at consumer PR…

  • How often do you read blogs? Which social networks?

Probably not as much as I should, but I’m a self-confessed Facebook addict

  • Best way to get hold of you?  [mobile, landline, email, Facebook, Myspace, text, letter, message in a bottle etc]

Facebook, email or mobile (in that order)

  • FT or Heat?


  • Grazia or Country Life?

Country Life I guess

  • Cameron or Brown?

Cameron for PM!

  • Running or the gym?

Neither, I play hockey

  • G & T or JD & Coke?


  • Hagen Daz or Ben & Jerry’s?

Hagen Daz

  • Caffe Nero or Starbucks?

Me and coffee don’t work first thing in the morning…

  • GAP or Portobello Rd?

GAP, I’ve got no imagination

  • North or South?

South of the river of course

  • If I were to have a film star play me in the film of my life, it’d be…?

Will Ferrell, genius



Fashion Zeitgeist

June 18, 2007

Being a] deeply stylish, and b] readers of Sunday Times’ Style section, we present the ‘going up/going down’ of fashion PR-with the return of the mysterious Ms J for the ladies’ perspective…

Currently loving [Ladies]

Peep toe heeled shoes (look good with anything)

Vintage dresses (though good ones are hard to find)

Girly skirt suits (make you feel empowered and sexy at the same time – bonus)

Footless tights (they may be officially “out” but I actually really like them and they are just so handy when the weather is this random)

Currently loving [Gents]

Yep, still the Khaki. Or the dark blue jean. Never lets you down.

Polo shirts. If they’re good enough for corporate America, why they’re sure good enough for us.

Sunny enough weather to get away with wearing shades without entirely looking like a poser.

Currently hating [Ladies]

Square heeled chunky shoes (you were supposed to throw them out back in 1997)

Wrap dresses (as above but intended to reach the scrap heap in 2005)

Mini skirts (never good in the workplace no matter how good people tell you your legs look)

Trouser suits (I feel like a man when I wear mine and I never saw the point of that androgynous look)

Currently hating [Gents]

Pointy toed shoes. It isn’t the 16th century, and they aren’t comfortable. I’ve heard.

Short sleeved shirts. Not unless you’re out on the town in Newcastle. Sorry ‘Toon’.

The black roll neck. Unless you’re Steve Jobs.

Ironing shirts. Never going to be good at it, and there’s only so many times you can pull puppy eyes at the girlfriend/flatmate/postman to do it for you…

The greasy pole; episode 6

June 15, 2007



PR is anything but ‘humdrum’ according to Alexa Ryan-Mills from Burson-Marsteller. Working in the Corporate and Technology practice at BM since September 2006, Alexa tells all below.


 ·         What made you want to work in PR?

When I was at university I worked on the student magazine and absolutely loved it. I got a taste for the media, but realised I’d rather work in a business environment and be creative at the same time. I also wanted variety – I could never have a humdrum job.

 ·         Background? [Home, education, exciting activities]

I was born and brought up in sleepy Cambridge, the eldest of four. When I hit 18, I was keen to get out and explore the world so spent six months travelling around South Africa with a tattered backpack. I then moved to Nottingham to study for a degree in French and English, spending a year as an ERASMUS ‘student’ drinking cheap local wine and not doing very much work. After my final year at university, where I dabbled in a bit of waitressing and freelance writing, I decided it was about time I got a proper job, so moved down to London and joined Burson-Marsteller as a graduate. I’ve been working in the Corporate and Technology practice there since September 2006.


 ·         Coolest thing you’ve done so far in PR?

Getting my client, HP into the FT was pretty cool. Now I sound like a real geek! Getting to travel around Europe for events is cool too.

 ·         Least favourite part of job?

Putting together quarterly coverage books. I’m currently trying to promote myself so I don’t have to do that!

·         When I’m 40 I’d like to be…?

Sunning myself by the pool of my luxury villa in the South of France. A girl can dream…


·         Top tip for those who want to get into industry?

Too many… Make your CV stand out from the crowd. While you’re at uni, there’s so much that you can get involved in other than dirty kebabs at four in the morning. Organise events, write or edit your student magazine, promote some lesser known student union society… Whatever, doing these kinds of things will teach you skills that you can show off in your CV as well as use when you actually get the job you’re after. Show that you’re interested in the media. You will be asked about it at interview. Also, get some experience in an agency or in-house, even if it’s a small local company for one week. It will prove you’ve got some idea of the job you’re applying for. Finally, be creative about where you apply. Don’t just go for the grad jobs that everyone else is trying to bag.


·         Best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Think before you speak. I do my best to bite my tongue now, but before I hit my twenties I was terrible.


·         If I wasn’t in PR I’d be….?

A journalist… yeh, I know…over to the other side.


·         What do you find most challenging in PR?

Juggling clients and journalists – but it’s also one of the things I love best.


·         PR hero?

My line manger at Burson-Marsteller, the wonderful Ms Charlotte Greaves!


·         Is there an area of PR you never want to work in, if so which?

Financial. I just don’t understand stocks and shares and numbers have always scared me.


·         How often do you read blogs? Which social networks?

I read lots of tech blogs for work. I’ve also been using Facebook for over a year now but it’s starting to scare me a bit with all its weird stalking applications. I’m a member of the group, ‘Bring back the old Facebook!’


·         Best way to get hold of you? [mobile, landline, email, Facebook, Myspace, text, letter, message in a bottle etc]

All of the above.


·         FT or Heat?

C-list celebs drive me insane. Definitely the FT, just not the last half of Companies & Markets. Stocks and shares again.


·         Grazia or Country Life?

I’d rather have a bar of Dairy Milk…


·         Cameron or Brown?

Brown, but only if I had to!


·         Running or the gym?



·         G & T or JD & Coke?

G&T. Make mine a double.


·         Hagen Daaz or Ben & Jerry’s?

A tough one… Green & Blacks is my favourite. Can I have that instead?


·         Caffe Nero or Starbucks?

Caffe Nero.


·         GAP or Portobello Rd?

I’ve become a lazy shopper since I moved to London – GAP.


·         North or South?

South England, North London.


·         If I were to have a film star play me in the film of my life, it’d be…?

Naomi Watts. We don’t look very similar, but she’s such a good actress I think she’d do me justice.


PR’s better half?

June 11, 2007

Here’s another post froma guest contributor, Rob Dyson, discussing the challenge of PR when it isn’t about shifting products/shares/government funding…but *shock horror* about helping people. Over to you, Rob….

As Third Sector PRO’s do we need to tighten our tools?

Having worked in PR / Comms roles for around four years in the not-for-profit field, I’ve noticed some themes that run through our beloved ‘Third Sector’.

There is undeniably some incredibly good PR being done on malnourished budgets, poor resources and with ‘products’ that…well are just not that ‘sexy’, frankly. You tried selling an inclusive model of independent housing for disabled people over a sleek MP3 player with the ability to lend the listener teleportation skills?

But this can actually make us PR’s best kept secrets – innovative, resourceful, and approachable to our target media contacts. Yet before we place a worthy slap on our altruistic backs let’s agree that as a sector we’re not without our faults…

If you weren’t quick off the mark, you’ll have missed this year’s deadline in May for the innovative “Media Connections Awards scheme”, funded by the Big Lottery Fund, and run by the Voluntary Action Media Unit (VAMU) and the Media Trust. I’d urge applying in ’08. I entered last year, along with about 200-odd eager charity beavers, and secured one of 20 national placements.
The purpose of the programme is to “enhance the media skills of people who work in the charity sector” by placing them in shadowing – and often working – roles in media institutions across the UK.

My time was spent with the BBC and I quickly found myself immersed in editorial meetings of the likes of The Today Programme, and felt a little like I had been permitted into a very select coven – with the chance to influence the stance of big news-setting institutions. And, I had at times brutally honest conversations with journalists regarding their opinions of my sector and our -ahem – failure to sometimes deliver the goods…

So what did they tell me?

Forgive me if I’m teaching charity PRO’s to suck eggs here but one oft-overlooked point were reiterated to me time and again – from producers, editors, and reporters: there absolutely must be the media ‘peg’ for the charity ‘apparel’ to hang on. These could be…

1. New research

A piece of brand new research, or a survey (of over 1,000 people), that reveals something about society that needs addressing is one way in. It could be about discrimination, access to healthcare, employment rights, the environment, etc; all bread and butter not-for-profit themes – but whatever it is has to be big enough, ‘shocking’ enough AND be clearly asking or calling for something to be done about it.

2. Say something – don’t be bland.

A not-for-profit should be damning a policy or ministerial decision – not just giving a shoulder-shrugging ‘disapproval’ or raised eyebrow. A really strong line is needed, and even better if it resonates with a current theme – like a response to a policy that day, or piggy backing of broader media story with your twist on it. Not only must we stick our heads above the parapet but we need to understand the devil we deal with. Don’t be afraid to feed new lines, new angles and dimensions on an existing story to a journalist. As long as the piece has genuine longevity they will welcome it. Some will be positively grateful!

3. Colour with case studies

Without the colour or texture or ability to tell a story with a real affected person, the story is weakened. Media know that real people are worth a hundred charity talking heads. Here is where you can really be their best friend – just make sure the relationship is reciprocal and your cause gets a plug in the process. It is more than frustrating when you have killed yourself getting your best / most emotive case studies over to a journo, and then…they forget to plug your organisation or they leave a website / telephone number out. Brief them well, and be clear about what you want to get out of it too.

So what’s it like working for a charity?

Well it’s not all sandals and socks and knitwear, that’s for sure. In fact charities are *gasp* quite trendy these days, and very competitive. The average age of people breaking in is early to late twenties, with possibly a slight lean towards more women, especially in PR.

Charities are big business – and many work with large corporations either through corporate responsibility programmes, charity of the year partnerships, and on innovative projects. Many also lobby Government on big issues, and are increasingly turned to for consultations on shaping policy. Government know that they can’t change society on their own, and not-for-profits can be agents of real social change. Plus lots of celebrities want to be associated with a ‘cause’ to lend them some of that feel good stuff. So you could be working with the big brands and swanning around with slebs, whilst making waves that don’t just make stakeholders money but actually change their lives for the better.

If you are interested in PR careers in charity, log on to Facebook and join up to the Third Sector PR and Communications Network

You could be surprised.

Rob Dyson is a Press Officer at disability organisation Scope. About cerebral Palsy. For disabled people achieving equality.
• The Media Trust runs successful media training seminars and a media matching scheme to help charities access marketing and PR help.
• The Voluntary Action Media Unit has developed, a database of charity media contacts which journalists can subscribe and tap into when chasing leads and case studies for stories.

The greasy pole; episode 5

June 6, 2007


Hailing from Feltham and born into a famous PR lineage, James is the latest Gilheany to enter the world of PR. After 6 months in financial PR, James has now changed jobs and is the fresh faced new boy at Biss Lancaster. He tells all for the latest PR and Comms profile:

What made you want to work in PR?

I have a brother and a sister who work in PR and, given we are quite a competitive clan, I always wanted to prove I could do it better than them. I also like to think I’m pretty good at talking my way out of most situations which, as I’ve found out on one or more occasions, is a vital asset in this business.

Background? [Home, education, exciting activities]

I grew up in South West London in a grim little town called Feltham – best known for its prison, which tells you everything you need to know about the area. I survived that and went to university at Nottingham Trent where I studied Politics. Outside of work I did, up until recently (points to broken leg), play football and cricket. Unfortunately, at the moment, my sporting activities begin and end with Sky Sports. I also try to do a little bit of volunteering when I can. I once guided an under 12s football team to their highest ever finish.

Coolest thing you’ve done so far in PR?

My first piece of coverage. Nothing better than seeing the fruit of your labours in black and white.

Least favourite part of job?

Can I say clients? No, I really dislike the admin side of the job. I always feel I could be doing something far more productive.

When I’m 40 I’d like to be…?

Running my own agency with my siblings – we’ve already registered the name “Close Relations”……….that is a joke, I promise.

Top tip for those who want to get into industry?

Read as much of the daily press as you can. Knowledge is power and people will notice you if you can make legitimate comments on topical issues.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given?

If you’re not learning, you’re not earning.

If I wasn’t in PR I’d be….?

A teacher. I love children and was lucky enough to have worked some summer schools over the last few years.

What do you find most challenging in PR?

Can I say clients again? Journos? Time management can be difficult because you are constantly having to juggle the work, the demands of your colleagues and the whims of your client.

PR hero?

As sickening as it sounds, I’m going to have to say my brother and sister. Without them I doubt I’d be in the industry.

Is there an area of PR you never want to work in, if so which?

Ha ha ha, having spent six months in Financial PR I can honestly say Hell holds no fear for me. Avoid like the plague!

How often do you read blogs? Which social networks?

I probably spend too much time on Facebook. I’ve tried to claim it’s an attempt to keep up to speed with cutting edge new media – but even I won’t swallow that bull sh**t.

Best way to get hold of you? [mobile, landline, email, Facebook, Myspace, text, letter, message in a bottle etc]

All of the above, I am a communications professional after all……

FT or Heat?

I’m loathed to say the FT but let’s face it; it is an invaluable source of information and the clients love being in it.

Grazia or Country Life?

I live with three women, so it has to be Grazia.

Cameron or Brown?

Hhhhmmmmm, getting hit by a car or being in a plane crash? Both disasters.

Running or the gym?

I will refer you to me previous Sky Sports joke.

G & T or JD & Coke?


Hagen Daz or Ben & Jerry’s?


Caffe Nero or Starbucks?

Starbucks – I don’t care how evil they’re supposed to be.

GAP or Portobello Rd?


North or South?


If I were to have a film star play me in the film of my life, it’d be…?


PR clothing – for women

June 5, 2007

The following post comes from a mystery figure, who stylishly wishes only to be known as Ms J… 


Further to Desmier Esq.’s recent posting on this issue, it falls to me – a loyal reader and PR fashion guru, to reply. I’d like to start with one main assertion: Dressing appropriately for PR is much more of a dilemma for the ladies than it is for the gents.

As far as our male counterparts go, it is far easier for them to find a half-way house between a suit and jeans (e.g. chinos and open-necked shirt) than it is for us. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has flung her whole wardrobe all over the bedroom floor in despair and tried on three separate outfits in the morning before deciding on a suitable look for that day’s activities.

The smart/casual conundrum could be endlessly debated, as could clothing options for a day which contains meetings with three radically different clients. However, I think it can be essentially concluded as follows: don’t be afraid of being a little bit creative, and, above all, wear what suits you. By creative, I don’t mean wacky (!) but I think if I were a client, and especially one of the more consumery variety (or one that doesn’t have a particularly impressive wardrobe themselves), there would be something quite gratifying about seeing your agency team mirror their creative qualities in their clothing style.

Nevertheless, as far as PR ladies in London go, most people seem to play it safe and stick to one general “look.” They may have a wide range of different outfits but I believe they basically fall into one of five categories and I have had a bash at segmenting them as such for the purposes of this article. Being a corporate PR girlie myself, this is skewed towards the types of people usually found in a corporate agency, but I imagine those of you working in other sectors have similar examples in your own companies.

1. The Quality Surveyor – classic fashion sense, always looks good, checks out everyone else’s outfits when they walk into the office content in the knowledge that she looks better, and has spent more money on her outfit than everyone else. The QS is stubborn about her favourite shops – you’ll never catch her in H&M and secretly wish you too could buy your capsule items (white t shirts and the like) from Reiss and Joseph.

2. The Classic Cheap & Chic-ster – good bargain hunter, adept at teaming a one-off designer or vintage piece with something from Topshop or even Primark (as unprepared as she is to get involved with the current chav-tastic crush-athon situation on Oxford Street). Always well co-ordinated and knows what suits her. Like everyone else, she has her off days (i.e. when all the good stuff is in the wash) but this is ok because off-days are timed to coincide with a rare night off in front of the telly.

3. The Flesh Flasher – great figure, not bothered about updating her look on a regular basis, the Flesh Flasher is a fully signed-up member of the “if you’ve got it, flaunt it” club. She has several flattering pieces which she knows are winners in any situation – super short skirts and shoulder-padded jackets for the new business pitch, ridiculously low-cut tops for the meeting with new male client. FF has the most criticised dress sense of all the women in the office, sometimes rightly deserved (inappropriate for her age and seniority), though oft-fuelled purely by jealousy (we all wish we had pins like hers).

4. Am I bovvered? – Probably the most intelligent girl in the office and a firm believer that there’s more to life than clothes. Never looks bad but equally never takes a risk, sticking to what she knows and likes. Often has a theme to her outfits e.g. always wears black or whenever she wears a suit, it’s always with the same blue shirt. Equally not bovvered about footwear and has a sensible pair of M&S “footgloves” which are sturdy and sensible and clearly far more comfortable than the stilettos the rest of us are limping around in.

5. The Wrong ’un – we all have one in our office – the person who probably thinks they have an “individual sense of style” but whatever they do, it just looks wrong: no co-ordination, silver, gold and costume jewellery (together), red toe nails, pink finger nails (at the same time, usually chipped), tights with sandals, winter coat with flip flops etc etc. the list goes on. The annoying thing is, the Wrong ’un is normally pretty good at her job so when she rocks up to a client meeting looking a bit, well, wrong, no one bats an eyelid.

It’s just the beginning…

June 1, 2007

Louise Orr is a final year PR student at Bournemouth Uni, who has just sat her last exams.  

So I have officially finished university. Forever. And as the hangover clears following a brilliant celebration and farewell round of “pub golf”, I’m getting very excited about what is on the horizon.  

The last four years have been a real rollercoaster, with the high points far outweighing the low. My BA (Hons) Public Relations degree at Bournemouth University has prepared me for what will hopefully be a long and prosperous career in the industry, and I’ve made some amazing friends. I do think that regardless of your opinion of PR degrees, I could not be more ready to go into the industry; I’m excited about the challenges that lie ahead and feel like I’ve been planning this day for months.  

As I left the exam room yesterday lunchtime, it hit me that I’m no longer a student. The initial excitement turned into apprehension as one era ends and I stumble into the next. But after a little reflection and a supportive chat from my housemates I realised that this is far from the end. Firstly, most of Bournemouth University PR students are now winging their way to London, so there is bound to be a few familiar faces on the tube each morning, but also because the end of my degree signals the start of the rest of my life.  

Having been in education for 18 years, I’m now stepping out into the big, bad world with life experience from university that I doubt I would have got elsewhere and with the confidence in my chosen career path to know this is what I want to do for the foreseeable future.  Personally I have overcome a lot of challenges, and I learnt so much from my industrial placement year that I’m now excited to put four years of very hard work into practise.  I have 11 days until I start my first “grown up” PR job and I can’t wait. Those 11 days provide me with just enough time to recover from this awful hangover, clear out my university house and get everything in order for the next stage of my life. This morning signals the end of an era – and the start of something amazing. And it’s very exciting. (Or at least it will be when I recover – all suggestions on how to cope in the rat race with such awful hangovers will be greatly received! I’m definitely retiring my pub golf clubs for a while!)

How to break up with your job…

June 1, 2007

Is this the funniest resignation sign off email ever? Sent from a top 10 PR agency today and given to the PR and Comms Network 10 minutes ago….

Before I say anything, I just want you to know that this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write.

I’ve had such a great time getting to know you but I feel that things just aren’t working out the way I’d planned.

Most importantly, I need you to understand something, it’s nothing you’ve done, it’s really not you, it’s me.

I need to be alone right now and find my own way. It’s been great, but I just don’t think this is right for me right now. I’m not at a stage in my life when I can commit and give you the security you need.

Sure, we’ve had some good times, the cocktail party, the karaoke dinner…. those are memories I’ll treasure forever. However, there have been bad times too, like the time that release got sent out late and we just ended up arguing, or the time that press meeting got muddled in the diaries and everyone blamed me.

Those were tough times and at the end of the day, I think we should call it a day now and hopefully, remain friends, if you want to? You really are great, I just wish I was good enough for you. You deserve someone who’s on the same wavelength and I’m afraid that’s just not me.I wish I could think and feel differently but I just cant. I just feel that we are going in different directions and I don’t want to hold you back, as I’m sure you don’t want to hold me back either.

I realise this may come as a bit of a shock, so I want to give you some space to come to terms with everything I’ve said.

If you want to contact me, my email is: ****************

I hope we can still be friends.